The Value of
a Brick
Being part of St. Angela was more than an education, it was THE foundation of my life. As a graduate of ’73 (yes, I’m old), my friendships, family and career were forever impacted by SAS. Forty plus (40+) years after graduation, I’m honored to be one of nineteen (19) classmates who today remain close girlfriends. We were permanent fixtures at SA not only during class, but “hanging out” on the Potomac side of the church steps where I met my husband, in the gym on Friday night and walking down the long church aisle for many friends’ weddings.
Brick #1 was inscribed to mirror that permanency of “Lifelong Friends”. Brick #2 was inscribed for my family who shared the entire parish’s faith and hard work ethic. These inscribed bricks are not for me to remember SA, but in hopes that others may remember that I too was part of the phenomenal parish called “Saint Angela”.
Today, I treasure not only memories and photos, but physical fragments of marble, a railing from the church steps where friendships were strengthened, a pew, a brick from the convent and ivy that grew upon it. Where these physical items might eventually fall, I don’t know. But for now my home has pieces of Saint Angela that help me remember where I came from and how my life was forever impacted by this great fortune.
Diane DiGangi
Class of 1973
​The Brick Program
Bricks are sold for $125 (4 by 8 inches) and $250 (8 by 8 inches). All bricks will be the "regimental red" shown in the picture to the right. (These are new bricks, not bricks recycled from the demolished buildings.) They will be "planted" at St. Angela in batches of 50 to 100, most likely twice a year, depending on demand. Smaller bricks allow three lines of up to 20 characters each; larger bricks allow six lines of the same size. Bricks can be purchased online, in person at St. Angela School, or by mail.
A "character" is any space that you use: a letter, a comma, a number, a space, etc. Please indicate on the form if you prefer all upper case letters or a mix of upper and lower. Please, no profanity or language that could be misinterpreted.
Please read the information in the box to the right explaining your brick placement options and indicate on your order form if you prefer a specific place.
To pay by check:
1. Download a brick order form for easy brick design. Mail it, with your check, to St. Angela School, 1332 N. Massasoit, Chicago, IL 60651. Please indicate on the envelope that it contains a brick order.
To pay with credit card:
2. Download a brick order form for easy brick design. Mail it, with your credit card information, to St. Angela School, 1332 N. Massasoit, Chicago, IL 60651
or scan it and attach it to an email to enagel@archchicago.org
3. Pay for your brick online with this link and either send the order form, an email or use the "special notes" box on the linked page to send the text you'd like engraved. (We don't recommend using the "special notes" box if your message is long or complicated but we can help you figure out something that works. ​​
All brick orders are placed in larger group orders. Once they are ordered and arrive we will have them placed. We will notify participants when this happens. We know you'll want to see your parcel of St. Angela land!